TV has been around forever and action movies and intense moments and drama which has all been around since black and white times. I haven't watched TV in a long while and if I saw any it was on my parents TV for a little while. Most people would only flip on their TV to watch the news then turn it off. They don't really watch violent shows they watch comedy or other stuff. TV is kind of not worth watching when you can have Ad block on Google Chrome and just watch anything without ads which many sites don't like. No one really wants to see ads unless they are funny on TV and plus they just create a lot of wasting of time to wait for what people want to see and suspense that some people just don't care for. There isn't that much violence on TV it just depends where your at and it's not like you ever have to change the channel. As people go on they pick up things from other people that they follow. They follow people through their actions and looks sometimes. Kids are a great example of followers. Most people would assume showing violence on TV will bring kids to do violence and now they are given more at a younger age without supervision that they should have. Parents are not as strong as they used to be and standards are changing for what's allowed. I'd say an age of decent maturity might be 13 depending on if they are mental or not. An example of violent TV show would be Happy Tree Friends. It seems very kid friendly at first then all these cartoon characters get totally massacred and that's how pretty much every episode is.
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