February 23, 2015


No one likes tests, but they are important.  Everyone must take them so we can all stay on the same track and understand what it going on around us.  Tests are part of being civilized.  Some people say they can't do well on tests.  This could be true if they have learning disabilities.  Tests that ask questions that don't have to be studied shouldn't be difficult though like what career you would choose or personal questions about you want or don't want to do.  Some people say they aren't good at tests probably because they never study for them or are trying to cover up to not have to.  The best way to know a person and what they know is to test them or ask them questions.  Most people do things differently from others so testing shows we are trying to understand that.  Tests can be fair but it depends on the people.

February 17, 2015

The four (probably) most important things in my life

The number one most important thing is probably whether or not I'll live and what my future will be.  This depends on how well I do and how well my family is doing and the people around me.  The second most important thing is probably my family because without them life would be much more difficult.  The third thing is probably the choices I make whether I'm fully understanding what is going on around me or in the world.  The fourth thing would probably be my reason to live which could be just to do what I can while I'm alive and not worry about what is at the end.

February 9, 2015

The best president of the United States (Maybe/Possibly)

Abraham Lincoln had the greatest impact on America back in the day.  He was just a very fair president.  The hardest part of being president or being a ruler in general is making the right choices in any situation you may find yourself in.  It can either send you to a worse place or put you up in the clouds.

February 3, 2015

If I could give away $100,000 to charity I would give it to...

I would give it to cure cancer because it is a disease that is probably the worst and can happen in a lot of places in the body leading to death early on.  Cancer is tragic so we want to find the cure as soon as possible.  It takes away a lot of peoples lives and gives them very short periods to live which they can't do anything about.  Also because it has been around a long time and there is nothing to do but just keep pushing the effort to find the cure.  It can determine what will happen to the next generation.  The diseases that are being brought to us have been around for a very long time and they should be our most important problem to solve all around the entire world.