November 24, 2014


The food is so good and just all you can eat at this time of year.  Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for things we're all thankful for and where you stay at home at fill your kitchen table with epic proportions of food then top it all off with some pie.  My family celebrates just like anyone else would in america really.  You get a bird and you make sure it can't run away off the stove top while you get ready to cook it.  The thing is when people emphasize on candy, food, or gifts on holidays they don't get the point of why people actually celebrate and that's what people need to remember so they don't become greedy, which is hard for everyone sometimes.

November 17, 2014

Future Technology

There are many types of new technology that can be used for fun and solving problems or doing tasks.  Robots would be both fun and useful to have around the house which seems to be showing up more these days.  Virtual reality would be mostly fun for games and make things much more immersive when playing games but keep us from what is real.  The most simple machines being automated make many jobs easier.  Back when we thought phones weren't possible years later they came around or when we thought invisible capes were fake they were made.  The fact that all we thought could never be invented has been created means that over time technology will get as powerful and unreal as we dreamed it could.  If I had my choice of what future technology I wanted it'd be cars powered by H2O and solar instead of all this pollution from gas powered cars.

November 10, 2014

A Dull Evening

What do I consider a dull evening?
I think of it as an evening where the lights are out there is nothing to do and candles are all over the kitchen because the power is out.  There is nothing to do with your energy except fold paper or make something out of nails and wood or some random materials around your house.  Everyone is just reading with a flashlight on and you don't feel like going to sleep.  This is a true experience I have had a couple times.  We are extremely dependent on electricity to once it goes out we finally understand how greedy we are for it all day every day.  It isn't easy to have a dull or boring time when electronics are around or any form of entertainment.

November 3, 2014

Being Honest

Honesty is being truthful and being real and should be a positive thing and have positive outcomes usually.  If people lie a lot they will not feel very good about it afterwards and neither will the people who believed it or thought they were telling the truth which could mess them up and the people around them.  Some people know when others are lying but the liar just ignores them and continues to speak and speak which is very infuriating.  When people shun others so they can spite garbage to people just to look better or seem cooler is not ok and not honest whatsoever.  That is just one example and a large one of dishonesty.